Building a Monitoring System with Powershell Remoting

Building a Monitoring System with Powershell Remoting

For people who have seen my presentation and are interested to play with the demo code.
Please find the PDF of the presentation and the demo scripts here


  • Create a database called BlitzOutput and run sp_blitz, make sure it safes the result in a table called spBlitz like this:

exec sp_blitz
@OutputDatabaseName =’BlitzOutput’,
@OutputSchemaName =’dbo’,
@OutputTableName =’spBlitz’

You can get sp_blitz and lots of other cool stuff from

  • Unpack the 7z file to c:\remoting
  • Create the DBA database with tables, demo entries and sp’s with the db_database.sql script
  • Run Enable-PSRemoting in a Powershell window under admin rights to be able to remote to the localhost

Now you should be able to go through the 4 Demo scripts that I showed which are in the c:\remoting directory.

Let me know if you have any question, I welcome any feedback…
My contact details are in the PDF of the presentation which is in the zip file.

Written by
André Kamman
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André Kamman

André Kamman

I’m a SQL Server consultant based in the Netherlands. I’m a SQL Server MVP and I’m the co-founder and current chairman of the Dutch PASS Chapter and a member of the volunteer team for the Dutch SQL Saturday’s. I’ve done a whole lot of pure DBA work managing 100′s of servers and learning something new every day.

These days I spend a lot of time on just a few servers containing some large databases and the better part of the day is spent with SSIS. In both roles I’ve been using Powershell a lot. I joke sometimes that I replaced myself with a powershell script when leaving the DBA role, but these days I automate so much that I have to watch myself and not actually do just that


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