Pragmatic Data Engineering

Hi, I'm André Kamman. I'm a Dutchie and live in Amsterdam.
I've been wrestling with databases since the mid 90's and work in IT since '89. These days I "data engineer" mostly on the Microsoft Azure platform.   
Need training? Or an extra pair of hands for a while? Let me know!

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SQL Server Container Instances via Cloudshell

Every now and then (actually, quite often now I think of it) I need to test code on a bunch of different versions of SQL Server. And I prefer those SQL Server instances to be fresh every time. Quickest way that works for me, fire up my Azure Cloud...



Gary Bargsley (b|t) is the host of this months T-SQL Tuesday #110 – ” Automate All the Things” The question he asks is easy: What do you want to automate or what automation are you proud of completing? My answer to that is simple...

It’s been 30 years!

January 1st, 1989 was my first day at work for my first job in IT. You would think that everything was completely different 30 years ago. The advance in sheer computing power and the evolution of languages and frameworks had me think for a bit that...

SQL Saturday Holland 2016

SQL Saturday Holland 2016

I’m a big fan of SQL Saturdays. I frequently speak at them and I’m part of the team behind SQL Saturday Holland. This year (2016), the Data Discovery team from InfoSupport made a great video about our event. I’m so proud to be a...

André Kamman

André Kamman

I’m a SQL Server consultant based in the Netherlands. I’m a SQL Server MVP and I’m the co-founder and current chairman of the Dutch PASS Chapter and a member of the volunteer team for the Dutch SQL Saturday’s. I’ve done a whole lot of pure DBA work managing 100′s of servers and learning something new every day.

These days I spend a lot of time on just a few servers containing some large databases and the better part of the day is spent with SSIS. In both roles I’ve been using Powershell a lot. I joke sometimes that I replaced myself with a powershell script when leaving the DBA role, but these days I automate so much that I have to watch myself and not actually do just that


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