Archive: 15/01/2019

SQL Server Container Instances via Cloudshell

Every now and then (actually, quite often now I think of it) I need to test code on a bunch of different versions of SQL Server. And I prefer those SQL Server instances to be fresh every time. Quickest way that works for me, fire up my Azure Cloud...

André Kamman

André Kamman

I’m a SQL Server consultant based in the Netherlands. I’m a SQL Server MVP and I’m the co-founder and current chairman of the Dutch PASS Chapter and a member of the volunteer team for the Dutch SQL Saturday’s. I’ve done a whole lot of pure DBA work managing 100′s of servers and learning something new every day.

These days I spend a lot of time on just a few servers containing some large databases and the better part of the day is spent with SSIS. In both roles I’ve been using Powershell a lot. I joke sometimes that I replaced myself with a powershell script when leaving the DBA role, but these days I automate so much that I have to watch myself and not actually do just that


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